Works Cited/Consulted


Works Consulted/Cited

“African Rainforest.” [Online Image] Available<

where.html>,15  September 2008.


Bergman, Jennifer.Tropical Rainforest Biome. [Online] Available<

html&edu=elem>,15 September 2008.


Butler, R. “The Rainforest Canopy.” [Online Image] Available<>, 27 September



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Ciucci, Mary, McCartney, and Warren, Amy. Rainforest Animals.

[Online]  Available<

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Ciucci, Mary, McCartney, and Warren, Amy. Rainforest Plants.

 [Online]   Available<

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Corel Photography. “Bat.” [Online Image] Available<

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Corel Photography. “Postman Butterfly.” [Online Image] Available<

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“Tree Roots in the Southern Asia Rainforest.”[Online Image]   Available<>, 15 September 2008.


Tropical Rainforest Overview. [Online]  Available<>,

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27 September 2008.


V, Jenna. “Peruvian Rainforest.” [Online Images] Available<>,

27 September 2008.


Video Takes. “Save the Rainforest Save Lives.”[Online Video Clip] Available

<>, 27 September 2008.


Where Are The Rainforests. [Online] Available <

www/where.html> 15 September 2008.

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